Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Mooring Expedition

On April 26, the Friends of Menjangan team have gone out with eight other people to Menjangan Island for mooring expedition. This trip consisted of replacing bottles, putting new rope and buoy. The Friends of Menjangan team managed to fix seven of the thirty four mooring buoys around the Island. The mooring buoys that we fixed were at these locations of the island: Ganesha, Bat Cave, Pasir Putih, Jeti 3, Temple Point, South Side and Blue Corner. After checking the rest of the mooring buoys, we noticed they were in good condition. This day also consisted of spending some time cleaning up post 1 and post 2 of the Island, by picking up five rice sacks of trash. According to Nono Suparno, the Friends of Menjangan team coordinator, it is important to add more mooring buoys in the upcoming high season, which is in two months. Due to a strong commitment to prevent coral damage by anchors, Nono believes it is crucial to add more mooring buoy points.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

A day in the monsoon forest of Bali Barat National Park

Seven years ago the part of the monsoon forest in Bali Barat National Park was devastated by a forest fire that charred everything in its path.  A monsoon forest is characterized by mostly tall deciduous trees, meaning these gentle giants lose their leaves during the dry season, which can be up to 8 months of the year, but flourish once the monsoon rains strike, woody vines and air plants.   The forest truly sparkles when in full bloom, with varied hues of green, happy monkeys crawling over the branches eating to their delight, and birds squawking in the hidden canopies.  It is quite a sight.  Sadly, this beauty is under attack within this region of Bali.  In spots where the canopy is broken by fire or human intervention, and rays of sun are let through, there lies an invader who is stealing from its native neighbours.  Lantana camara is an invasive shrub species that was introduced to Bali to use for yard decoration due to its colourful flower and ability to grow under any condition.  Because of its uncanny ability to establish itself so easily in numerous ecotypes, especially in areas of disturbance, we are now seeing it all over the island.  Here in the monsoon forest of Bali Barat National Park, Lantana has taken over many empty patches of land within and around the forest by out-competing the native species for nutrients and sunlight.  Parts of the once highly diverse forest are now becoming a Lantana only shrub land, and it is happening fast.  Sierra, with Biosphere Foundation, the staff off P.T. Trimbawan Swastama Sejati (a part of Sustainable Management Group) and Dr. Albertu Wawo of LIPI have been devising a remedy for the problem, using  one weakness the plant has, it is inhibited by  shade.  In, 2013, Sierra started a study site within the fire-disturbed land, with three study plots.  At first, measurements were taken of each Lantana plant, in order to compare to this years measurements to gather an idea of how quickly, or large, it can grow in one year.  This data is still being worked on.  This year, after measuring, we removed all the Lantana from the three plots, it was A LOT, and I mean A LOT of Lantana.  Once removed, 1200 native trees of six different species were planted in two of the three cleared plots.  The idea is to plant enough sun-loving, fast-growing trees that will shade out the Lantana, and allow for other shade-loving slow-growing native trees to grow.  Today, the trees look beautiful in their new, native, Lantana-free land.  The forest is beginning to transform into its natural state.  Good work Friends of Menjangan and all those who helped allow the project to happen!

Julian and myself measuring and tagging the new trees.

Sierra, Pak Albertus, and crew after a long, hot day in the forest.

A cleared plot with the freshly planted trees.  You can see how much Lantana was present due to the amount of exposed soil.

The saplings in their plastic bags, ready to be planted in the soil with room to breathe!

Carefully removing the trees from their transportation, Hati Hati!

More little trees.

Sierra preparing for a day of measuring and reinforcing the trees. 

Material used to help tie the trees to bamboo sticks so they grow up and not out.

This is the infamous, Trengulli.  It was very small when we planted it, and now within one month has grown to a substantial size.  Beautiful tree.

Sierra measuring and inspecting.
Pak Albertus excited about a day of planting, and spending time in the forest.  He knows so many different plant species, it was fun to learn from him!

Maybe about 25 trees hauled into the forest on the back of a bike.

Myself, and the crew!

Monday, 17 February 2014

Menjangan Buoys

After an extraordinary voyage from Singapore to Bali, Mir is finally moored in North West Bali. With a lot of time and effort we helped the Biosphere Foundation establish an inland field station at Ketut Astawa's home. From this base, many projects, which have been developed over the years, will be worked on and monitored. Agriculture, forestry, and conservation work on Menjangan Island are just some of the projects that we are leading and participating in. Recently on January 21st, 2014, myself, some other members of Biosphere Foundation and The Friends of Menjangan teams have collaborated to take a boat out to Menjangan Island and with the use of a GPS system have managed to map out all thirty-four mooring buoys around the Island. It was fascinating watching Gede, one of the team members of Friends of Menjangan, taking old red bottles and stuffing them with Styrofoam as a flotation device for the moorings rope. He began showing us how to tie the red bottles together with an intricate pattern that resembles a fishing net. The difference was that this time the net like pattern was weaved both literally and metaphorically to protect and attempt to give back to the island, its life and beauty. We discovered two buoys needed to be replaced, and four buoys needed new red bottles which help incoming boats see their location.  The rest of the mooring buoys were in good condition. The Friends of Menjangan have also been consistently removing two invasive species, Drupella snails and Crown of Thorns starfish which have been a detriment to the coral. Our efforts are improving the conditions of the coral and its inhabitants in subtle but impactful ways.

Monday, 8 April 2013


Nyepi is a sacred day of silence and no work in Bali to reflect on the past year. However this is not shared by neighbouring islands and in previous years this day has been used as an opportunity for fishermen from Java to come to North West Bali to Menjangan island while it is unprotected and use dynamite to catch the fish. The dynamite destroys the coral habitat causing lasting damage to the reef and fish comunity.This year a group of commited rangers and Friends of Menjangan stayed guard a the island and kept away approaching fishermen.


Here the story is told by Pak Suparno:

“Our experience during silent day at Menjangan Island. Silent day in Bali was celebrated on 12th March 2013. This is the time when boat men from Java, take a chance for catching fish in Menjangan by Dynamite fishing. During the time the rangers of the park take off because they have to celebrate the silent day with their family. So we are the people who also want to protect the island. We don’t want to loose the coral and fish over there. So we had an idea to stay at Menjangan Island for two days. We are 46 people coming to Menjangan Island on 11th March in the afternoon. The people came from Labuan Lalang and Banyuwedang harbor.

We arrive at Menangan at around 4 o’clock and we found several boat over there from Java. We suspect they are catching fish. We don’t want to confront them so we tried to negotiate and asked them to leave Menjangan. We also tried to explain that Menjangan is protected and catching fish with Dynamite can destroy the reef. In the night at 01:30, we patrol the island and found nothing but in the morning on 12th march around 05:00 we found one boat with two men catching fish with nets and walking on the corals. We took them to the ranger station and put some questions to them, and asked them why they catch fish there. We also explain to them they are destroying the coral by walking on it. They made a statement later for us that they will not do it again.

At 12:30 we found several big boats from Java also try to get closer to Menjangan island. So we all showed our force and presence at the island to intimidate them. So they did not get any closer. The people in the boat also stood up facing us.. like a challenge – we stayed there not moving then after 1 and half hours they moved away. When they are leaving we returned to the ranger station.

After that all was quiet until in the night at 01:30 we patrolled again and found nothing.

We hope that these men will tell others in Java that Menjangan Island is secure and taken care of – controlled even in the silent day, and so there will less next year. We are coming again in the silent day next year with more people but we hope there will be no boats.”


Saturday, 23 July 2011

Monday, 6 June 2011

Education Program


“Friends of Menjangan Education Program”

- 13 and 14 of May, 2011 -


The weekend after the Celebration, 18 kids from the Children of Permuteram Association were invited for a camping program that started at SERC (Science, Education and Research Centre of Menjangan Resort) and ended at the Menjangan Island with a mangrove clean-up.

The kids labelled the water bottles with their names to “re-use” plastic in an intelligent way!!


Circling together with Nono and Satyavan, the educators leading the program, we took an oath to protect each other and our mother nature.



Leslie and the kids in a bird watching activity around the savannas.




Natural Guides… in this activity one plays the role of a photographer, while the other turns into a camera. A lot of fun to understand nature!



The word “menjangan” stands for deer, the sacred animals that live in the area and have also being on the spot of the conservation programs carried by the Menjangan Resort.



Next morning the kids took a trail through the Monsoon Forest, the Savannas, the Mangroves and a boat to Menjangan Island. There we found a sea of rubbish stuck in the mangroves…


Mangroves – Cradle of Life!




Working hard as a team to clean our footprints and let earth breath!



After cleaning the area by the temple, we all got together to sing and dance our commitment to protect our Mother Nature!

We all head back home… 

… Planet Earth, Planet Water - Our One Home!


 Satyavan Rogério